Hola, nice to meet you.

I'm originally from Madrid, Spain, where I was a copywriter at some of the country's best ad agencies. However, I always had an interest in art direction and graphic design, and when I moved to Vancouver in 2003, I made the switch, studying at Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, and working as an Art Director at Rethink Vancouver.

In 2005, I moved back to Madrid to start a creative shop called Purr, where we created and produced short films, TV commercials, documentaries and branded content. My roles included everything from cameraman to producer, to assistant director to writer.

Here in Toronto, I've been freelancing since 2008, and I just completed a intensive course in UX Design at Brainstation.

I've always tried to bring a unique approach to everything I do, whether I'm writing, designing, cooking or building Lego empires with my 10 year-old daughter. I'm looking forward to bringing my experience and passion into production.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

La Fura Dels Baus: Imperium

Purr Produced, shot and edit the European Premier for the show of La Fura dels Baus: Imperium.

We went to Saint-Brieuc, France to meet Jürgen (one of the original founders) and shoot the show in the summer of 2007. La Fura used the material for self-promotion and on-line broadcast, both the 1 hour show edition and this short version.

I operated one of the three cameras, helped with the editing, and did the graphic design for the videos.